(branco, pref. comum, ou dos pastores, – ofício da memória)
Estes são homens santos, que se tornaram amigos de Deus, gloriosos arautos de sua mensagem.
José nasceu nas Ilhas Canárias, território espanhol, em 1534 e faleceu em Vitória, Espírito Santo, em 1597. Tendo-se tornado padre jesuíta e missionário no Brasil, dedicou-se principalmente a catequizar a população indígena, da qual foi defensor incondicional. Foi também historiador e poeta. Declarado santo pelo papa Francisco em 2014, o “apóstolo do Brasil” interceda em favor dos atuais povos indígenas.
Primeira Leitura: 1 Reis 18,41-46
Leitura do primeiro livro dos Reis – Naqueles dias, 41Elias disse a Acab: “Sobe, come e bebe, porque já ouço o ruído de muita chuva”. 42Enquanto Acab subia para comer e beber, Elias subiu ao cume do Carmelo, prostrou-se por terra e pôs o rosto entre os joelhos. 43E disse ao seu servo: “Sobe e observa na direção do mar”. Ele subiu, observou e disse: “Não há nada”. Elias disse-lhe de novo: “Volta sete vezes”. 44À sétima vez o servo disse: “Eis que sobe do mar uma nuvem, pequena como a mão de um homem”. Então, Elias disse-lhe: “Vai dizer a Acab que prepare o carro e desça, para que a chuva não o detenha”. 45Nesse meio-tempo, o céu cobriu-se de nuvens escuras, soprou o vento e a chuva caiu torrencialmente. Acab subiu para o seu carro e partiu para Jezrael. 46A mão do Senhor esteve sobre Elias; e ele, cingindo os rins, correu adiante de Acab até a entrada de Jezrael. – Palavra do Senhor.
Salmo Responsorial: 64(65)
Ó Senhor, que o povo vos louve em Sião!
1. Visitais a nossa terra com as chuvas, / e transborda de fartura. / Rios de Deus que vêm do céu derramam águas, / e preparais o nosso trigo. – R.
2. É assim que preparais a nossa terra: / vós a regais e aplainais, / os seus sulcos com a chuva amoleceis / e abençoais as sementeiras. – R.
3. O ano todo coroais com vossos dons, † os vossos passos são fecundos; / transborda a fartura onde passais. / Brotam pastos no deserto, / as colinas se enfeitam de alegria. – R.
Evangelho: Mateus 5,20-26
Aleluia, aleluia, aleluia.
Eu vos dou novo preceito: / que uns aos outros vos ameis, / como eu vos tenho amado (Jo 13,34). – R.
Proclamação do Evangelho de Jesus Cristo segundo Mateus – Naquele tempo, disse Jesus aos seus discípulos: 20“Se a vossa justiça não for maior que a justiça dos mestres da Lei e dos fariseus, vós não entrareis no Reino dos céus. 21Vós ouvistes o que foi dito aos antigos: ‘Não matarás! Quem matar será condenado pelo tribunal’. 22Eu, porém, vos digo, todo aquele que se encoleriza com seu irmão será réu em juízo; quem disser ao seu irmão ‘patife!’ será condenado pelo tribunal; quem chamar o irmão de ‘tolo’ será condenado ao fogo do inferno. 23Portanto, quando tu estiveres levando a tua oferta para o altar e ali te lembrares que teu irmão tem alguma coisa contra ti, 24deixa a tua oferta ali, diante do altar, e vai primeiro reconciliar-te com o teu irmão. Só então vai apresentar a tua oferta. 25Procura reconciliar-te com teu adversário enquanto caminha contigo para o tribunal. Senão o adversário te entregará ao juiz, o juiz te entregará ao oficial de justiça, e tu serás jogado na prisão. 26Em verdade eu te digo, dali não sairás, enquanto não pagares o último centavo”. – Palavra da salvação.
Traçando o sinal da cruz em você e sua família, diga: Abençoa-nos, Senhor Deus que é † Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo, para que eu vivamos sempre no Teu amor e fazendo só o bem a todos. Amém!
(green – craft of the day)
(white, pref. common, or of the shepherds, – memory office)
These are holy men, who have become friends of God, glorious heralds of His message.
José was born in the Canary Islands, Spanish territory, in 1534 and died in Vitória, Espírito Santo, in 1597. Having become a Jesuit priest and missionary in Brazil, he dedicated himself mainly to catechizing the indigenous population, of which he was an unconditional defender. He was also a historian and poet. Declared a saint by Pope Francis in 2014, the “apostle of Brazil” intercedes on behalf of the current indigenous peoples.
First Reading: 1 Kings 18:41-46
Reading from the first book of Kings - In those days, 41 Elijah said to Ahab, "Go up, eat and drink, for I already hear the sound of a lot of rain". 42While Ahab was going up to eat and drink, Elijah went up to the top of Carmel, prostrated himself on the ground, and put his face between his knees. 43And he said to his servant, “Go up and look towards the sea.” He went up, watched and said, "There is nothing." Elijah said to him again, "Come back seven times." 44The seventh time the servant said, "Behold, a cloud comes up out of the sea, small as a man's hand." Then Elijah said to him, "Go and tell Ahab to prepare his chariot and get out, so the rain won't stop him." 45 Meanwhile, the sky was covered with dark clouds, the wind blew and the rain poured down. Ahab got into his chariot and set off for Jezreel. 46The hand of the Lord was on Elijah; and he, girding his loins, ran before Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel. - Word of the Lord.
Responsorial Psalm: 64(65)
O Lord, let the people praise you in Zion!
1. You visit our land with the rains, / and it overflows with plenty. / Rivers of God that come from heaven pour out water, / and you prepare our wheat. - R.
2. This is how you prepare our land: / you water it and level it, / its furrows with rain you soften / and you bless the sowing. - R.
3. All year round you crown with your gifts, † your steps are fruitful; / overflows the abundance where you pass. / Pastures sprout in the desert, / the hills are adorned with joy. - R.
Gospel: Matthew 5,20-26
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
I give you a new commandment: / that you love one another, / as I have loved you (Jn 13:34). - R.
Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew – At that time, Jesus said to his disciples: 20 “Unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. 21You have heard what was said to the ancients: 'You shall not kill! Whoever kills will be condemned by the court. 22 But I say to you, everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever says to his brother 'rascal!' will be condemned by the court; whoever calls his brother a 'fool' will be condemned to the fires of hell. 23 Therefore, when you are bringing your gift to the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, 24 leave your gift there before the altar, and go first to be reconciled to your brother. Only then will present your offer. 25 Seek to be reconciled with your adversary as he walks with you to court. Otherwise the adversary will hand you over to the judge, the judge will hand you over to the bailiff, and you will be thrown into prison. 26 Truly I say to you, you will not get out of there until you pay the last penny.” – Word of salvation.
Tracing the sign of the cross on you and your family, say: Bless us, Lord God who is † Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that we may always live in Your love and doing only good to all. Amen!
(white, pref. common, or of the shepherds, – memory office)
These are holy men, who have become friends of God, glorious heralds of His message.
José was born in the Canary Islands, Spanish territory, in 1534 and died in Vitória, Espírito Santo, in 1597. Having become a Jesuit priest and missionary in Brazil, he dedicated himself mainly to catechizing the indigenous population, of which he was an unconditional defender. He was also a historian and poet. Declared a saint by Pope Francis in 2014, the “apostle of Brazil” intercedes on behalf of the current indigenous peoples.
First Reading: 1 Kings 18:41-46
Reading from the first book of Kings - In those days, 41 Elijah said to Ahab, "Go up, eat and drink, for I already hear the sound of a lot of rain". 42While Ahab was going up to eat and drink, Elijah went up to the top of Carmel, prostrated himself on the ground, and put his face between his knees. 43And he said to his servant, “Go up and look towards the sea.” He went up, watched and said, "There is nothing." Elijah said to him again, "Come back seven times." 44The seventh time the servant said, "Behold, a cloud comes up out of the sea, small as a man's hand." Then Elijah said to him, "Go and tell Ahab to prepare his chariot and get out, so the rain won't stop him." 45 Meanwhile, the sky was covered with dark clouds, the wind blew and the rain poured down. Ahab got into his chariot and set off for Jezreel. 46The hand of the Lord was on Elijah; and he, girding his loins, ran before Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel. - Word of the Lord.
Responsorial Psalm: 64(65)
O Lord, let the people praise you in Zion!
1. You visit our land with the rains, / and it overflows with plenty. / Rivers of God that come from heaven pour out water, / and you prepare our wheat. - R.
2. This is how you prepare our land: / you water it and level it, / its furrows with rain you soften / and you bless the sowing. - R.
3. All year round you crown with your gifts, † your steps are fruitful; / overflows the abundance where you pass. / Pastures sprout in the desert, / the hills are adorned with joy. - R.
Gospel: Matthew 5,20-26
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.
I give you a new commandment: / that you love one another, / as I have loved you (Jn 13:34). - R.
Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew – At that time, Jesus said to his disciples: 20 “Unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. 21You have heard what was said to the ancients: 'You shall not kill! Whoever kills will be condemned by the court. 22 But I say to you, everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever says to his brother 'rascal!' will be condemned by the court; whoever calls his brother a 'fool' will be condemned to the fires of hell. 23 Therefore, when you are bringing your gift to the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, 24 leave your gift there before the altar, and go first to be reconciled to your brother. Only then will present your offer. 25 Seek to be reconciled with your adversary as he walks with you to court. Otherwise the adversary will hand you over to the judge, the judge will hand you over to the bailiff, and you will be thrown into prison. 26 Truly I say to you, you will not get out of there until you pay the last penny.” – Word of salvation.
Tracciando il segno della croce su di te e sulla tua famiglia, dì: Benedicici, Signore Dio che è † Padre, Figlio e Spirito Santo, affinché viviamo sempre nel tuo amore e facendo solo del bene a tutti. Amen!
(blanco, pref. común, o de los pastores, – oficio de memoria)
Estos son hombres santos que se han convertido en amigos de Dios, heraldos gloriosos de su mensaje.
José nació en Canarias, territorio español, en 1534 y murió en Vitória, Espírito Santo, en 1597. Sacerdote jesuita y misionero en Brasil, se dedicó principalmente a la catequesis de la población indígena, de la que fue incondicional defensor. También fue historiador y poeta. Declarado santo por el Papa Francisco en 2014, el “apóstol de Brasil” intercede en favor de los pueblos indígenas actuales.
Primera Lectura: 1 Reyes 18:41-46
Lectura del primer libro de los Reyes - En aquellos días, 41 Elías le dijo a Acab: "Sube, come y bebe, porque ya oigo el sonido de mucha lluvia". 42Mientras Acab subía a comer y beber, Elías subió a la cima del Carmelo, se postró en tierra y puso el rostro entre las rodillas. 43Y dijo a su criado: Sube y mira hacia el mar. Subió, miró y dijo: "No hay nada". Elías le dijo de nuevo: "Vuelve siete veces". 44 La séptima vez dijo el siervo: He aquí una nube que sube del mar, pequeña como la mano de un hombre. Entonces Elías le dijo: "Ve y dile a Acab que prepare su carro y salga, para que la lluvia no lo detenga". 45 Mientras tanto, el cielo estaba cubierto de nubes oscuras, el viento soplaba y la lluvia caía a cántaros. Acab montó en su carro y partió hacia Jezreel. 46La mano del Señor estaba sobre Elías; y él, ceñiéndose los lomos, corrió delante de Acab hasta la entrada de Jezreel. - Palabra del Señor.
Salmo responsorial: 64(65)
¡Oh Señor, que el pueblo te alabe en Sion!
1. Visitas nuestra tierra con las lluvias, / y desborda de abundancia. / Ríos de Dios que bajan del cielo derraman agua, / y preparas nuestro trigo. - r
2. Así preparas nuestra tierra: / la riegas y nivelas, / sus surcos con lluvia ablandas / y bendices la siembra. - r
3. Todo el año te coronas con tus dones, † tus pasos son fructíferos; / desborda la abundancia por donde pasas. / Brotan pastos en el desierto, / Los cerros se adornan de alegría. - r
Evangelio: Mateo 5,20-26
Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya.
Os doy un mandamiento nuevo: / que os améis unos a otros, / como yo os he amado (Jn 13,34). - r
Proclamación del Evangelio de Jesucristo según Mateo – En aquel tiempo, Jesús dijo a sus discípulos: 20 “A menos que vuestra justicia exceda la justicia de los maestros de la Ley y de los fariseos, no entraréis en el reino de los cielos. 21 Habéis oído lo que se dijo a los antiguos: '¡No matarás! El que mate será condenado por el tribunal. 22 Pero yo os digo que cualquiera que se enoje contra su hermano será reo de juicio; el que diga a su hermano '¡bribón!', será condenado por el tribunal; cualquiera que llame 'necio' a su hermano será condenado al fuego del infierno. 23 Por tanto, cuando lleves tu ofrenda al altar y allí te acuerdes de que tu hermano tiene algo contra ti, 24 deja allí tu ofrenda delante del altar, y ve primero a reconciliarte con tu hermano. Sólo entonces presentará su oferta. 25 Procure reconciliarse con su adversario mientras camina con usted a la corte. De lo contrario, el adversario os entregará al juez, el juez os entregará al alguacil y seréis echados en la cárcel. 26 De cierto os digo que no saldréis de allí hasta que paguéis el último céntimo. – Palabra de salvación.
Trazando la señal de la cruz sobre ti y tu familia, di: Bendícenos, Señor Dios que es † Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, para que vivamos siempre en Tu amor y haciendo sólo el bien a todos. ¡Amén!
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