Se guardaram a minha palavra, também guardarão a vossa.
If you keep my word, you will also keep yours.
Por que os discípulos são perseguidos? Porque não pertencem ao mundo da injustiça, da desigualdade. Jesus não faz aliança com esse mundo fechado à mensagem de amor. Seus discípulos deverão ser fiéis ao Mestre, por isso sabem que a rejeição os aguarda, já que “um servo não é maior do que seu senhor”. Mas, não fiquem desanimados, nem tudo é tempestade na vida desses missionários. Pois do mesmo modo que eles ouviram e acolheram a palavra de Jesus, outros darão crédito às palavras de seus discípulos.a
Adapted by Flávio.
Why are the disciples persecuted? Because they don't belong to the world of injustice, inequality. Jesus does not covenant with this world closed to the message of love. His disciples must be faithful to the master, so they know that rejection awaits them, since "a servant is no greater than his lord." But don't be discouraged, not everything is a storm in the lives of these missionaries. For in the same way they heard and welcomed the word of Jesus, others will give credit to the words of his disciples.
Why are the disciples persecuted? Because they don't belong to the world of injustice, inequality. Jesus does not covenant with this world closed to the message of love. His disciples must be faithful to the master, so they know that rejection awaits them, since "a servant is no greater than his lord." But don't be discouraged, not everything is a storm in the lives of these missionaries. For in the same way they heard and welcomed the word of Jesus, others will give credit to the words of his disciples.