The Samaritan
1a. Leitura - Jonas 1,1-2,1.11
Início da profecia de Jonas – 1 A palavra do Senhor foi dirigida a Jonas, filho de Amati, e dizia: 2 “Levanta-te e põe-te a caminho da grande cidade de Nínive e anuncia-lhe que sua perversidade subiu até a minha presença”. 3 Jonas
pôs-se a caminho a fim de fugir para Társis, longe da presença do
Senhor; desceu a Jope e encontrou um navio com destino a Társis,
adquiriu passagem e embarcou com os outros passageiros para essa cidade,
para longe da presença do Senhor. 4 Mas o Senhor mandou um vento violento sobre o mar, levantando uma grande tempestade, que ameaçava destruir o navio. 5 Tomados
de pavor, os marinheiros começaram a gritar, cada qual a seu deus, e a
lançar ao mar a carga do navio para o aliviar. Jonas havia descido ao
porão do navio, deitara-se e dormia a sono solto. 6 O chefe do
navio foi vê-lo e disse: “Como! Tu dormes? Levanta-te e reza ao teu
deus; talvez ele se lembre de nós, e não morreremos”. 7 Disseram
entre si os marinheiros: “Vamos tirar a sorte, para saber por que nos
acontece esta desgraça”. Lançaram a sorte, e esta caiu sobre Jonas. 8 Disseram-lhe:
“Explica-nos, por culpa de quem nos acontece esta desgraça? Qual é a
tua ocupação e donde vens? Qual é a tua terra, de que povo és?” 9 Ele respondeu: “Eu sou hebreu e temo o Senhor, Deus do céu, que fez o mar e a terra firme”. 10 Aqueles
homens ficaram possuídos de grande medo e disseram: “Como é que fizeste
tal coisa?” Pelas palavras dele, acabavam de saber que estava fugindo
da presença do Senhor. 11 Disseram então: “Que faremos contigo, para acalmar o mar?” Pois o mar enfurecia-se cada vez mais. 12 Respondeu
Jonas: “Pegai a mim e lançai-me ao mar, e o mar vos deixará em paz: eu
sei que, por minha culpa, se desencadeou sobre vós esta grande
borrasca”. 13 Os marinheiros, à força de remar, tentavam voltar à terra, mas em vão, porque o mar cada vez mais se encapelava contra eles. 14 Então
invocaram o Senhor e rezaram: “Suplicamos-te, Senhor, não nos deixes
morrer em paga pela vida deste homem, não faças cair sobre nós este
sangue inocente; fizeste, Senhor, valer tua vontade”. 15 Então, pegaram Jonas e atiraram-no ao mar; e cessou a fúria do mar. 16 Invadiu esses homens um grande temor do Senhor, ofereceram-lhe sacrifícios e fizeram-lhe votos. 2,1 Determinou o Senhor que um grande peixe viesse engolir Jonas; e ele ficou três dias no ventre do peixe. 11 Então o Senhor fez o peixe vomitar Jonas na praia. – Palavra do Senhor.
1st Reading - Jonah 1,1-2,1.11
Beginning of the prophecy of Jonah - 1 the word of the Lord was directed to Jonas, son of Amati, and said: 2 "get up and get on my way to the great city of Nineveh and announces to her that your wickedness has ascended to my presence." 3 Jonas the way in order to flee to Tarshish, far from the presence of the Lord; went down to Joppa and found a ship bound for Tarshish, purchased ticket and boarded with the other passengers to this town, away from the presence of the Lord. 4 But the Lord sent a gusty wind on the sea, raising a huge storm, which threatened to destroy the ship. 5 Taken of dread, the sailors began to scream, each to your god, and throw into the sea the ship to ease. Jonas had descended to the basement of the ship, lying and slept the sleep out. 6 the head of ship went to see him and said: "How! You sleep? Get up and pray to your god; Maybe he remembers us, and we won't. " 7 Said the sailors: "Let's draw straws, as to why it happens this disgrace". Launched the lucky, and this fell upon Jonah. 8 they said: "explain, because of who it happens this disgrace? What is your occupation and where you come from? What's your Earth, that people are? " 9 He replied: "I am a Hebrew and I fear the Lord, God of heaven, who made the sea and the dry land". 10 Those men were possessed of great fear and said: "How did you do that?" By his words, had known he was running away from the presence of the Lord. 11 then said: "we're going to do with you, to calm the sea?" Because the sea raged increasingly. 12 Jonas Replied: "Take me and throw me into the sea, and the sea will leave you in peace: I know, my fault, was unleashed upon you this great squall". 13 sailors, by dint of rowing, were trying to return to Earth, but in vain, because the sea increasingly encapelava against them. 14 Then invoked the Lord and prayed: "we beg you, Sir, let us not die in return for the life of this man, do not fall on us this innocent blood; you did, Sir, be worth your will ". 15 so they took Jonah and threw him overboard; and ceased the fury of the sea. 16 Invaded these men a great fear of the Lord, they offered sacrifices and made her vows. 2.1 has determined that a great fish to come swallow Jonah; and he was three days in the belly of the fish. 11 Then the Lord made the fish vomiting Jonah on the beach. -The word of the Lord.
Beginning of the prophecy of Jonah - 1 the word of the Lord was directed to Jonas, son of Amati, and said: 2 "get up and get on my way to the great city of Nineveh and announces to her that your wickedness has ascended to my presence." 3 Jonas the way in order to flee to Tarshish, far from the presence of the Lord; went down to Joppa and found a ship bound for Tarshish, purchased ticket and boarded with the other passengers to this town, away from the presence of the Lord. 4 But the Lord sent a gusty wind on the sea, raising a huge storm, which threatened to destroy the ship. 5 Taken of dread, the sailors began to scream, each to your god, and throw into the sea the ship to ease. Jonas had descended to the basement of the ship, lying and slept the sleep out. 6 the head of ship went to see him and said: "How! You sleep? Get up and pray to your god; Maybe he remembers us, and we won't. " 7 Said the sailors: "Let's draw straws, as to why it happens this disgrace". Launched the lucky, and this fell upon Jonah. 8 they said: "explain, because of who it happens this disgrace? What is your occupation and where you come from? What's your Earth, that people are? " 9 He replied: "I am a Hebrew and I fear the Lord, God of heaven, who made the sea and the dry land". 10 Those men were possessed of great fear and said: "How did you do that?" By his words, had known he was running away from the presence of the Lord. 11 then said: "we're going to do with you, to calm the sea?" Because the sea raged increasingly. 12 Jonas Replied: "Take me and throw me into the sea, and the sea will leave you in peace: I know, my fault, was unleashed upon you this great squall". 13 sailors, by dint of rowing, were trying to return to Earth, but in vain, because the sea increasingly encapelava against them. 14 Then invoked the Lord and prayed: "we beg you, Sir, let us not die in return for the life of this man, do not fall on us this innocent blood; you did, Sir, be worth your will ". 15 so they took Jonah and threw him overboard; and ceased the fury of the sea. 16 Invaded these men a great fear of the Lord, they offered sacrifices and made her vows. 2.1 has determined that a great fish to come swallow Jonah; and he was three days in the belly of the fish. 11 Then the Lord made the fish vomiting Jonah on the beach. -The word of the Lord.
Evangelho - Lucas 10,25-37
Proclamação do evangelho de Jesus Cristo segundo Lucas – Naquele tempo, 25 um
mestre da lei se levantou e, querendo pôr Jesus em dificuldade,
perguntou: “Mestre, que devo fazer para receber em herança a vida
eterna?” 26 Jesus lhe disse: “O que está escrito na lei? Como lês?” 27 Ele
então respondeu: “Amarás o Senhor, teu Deus, de todo o teu coração e
com toda a tua alma, com toda a tua força e com toda a tua inteligência;
e ao teu próximo como a ti mesmo!” 28 Jesus lhe disse: “Tu respondeste corretamente. Faze isso e viverás”. 29 Ele, porém, querendo justificar-se, disse a Jesus: “E quem é o meu próximo?” 30 Jesus
respondeu: “Certo homem descia de Jerusalém para Jericó e caiu nas mãos
de assaltantes. Estes arrancaram-lhe tudo, espancaram-no e foram-se
embora, deixando-o quase morto. 31 Por acaso, um sacerdote estava descendo por aquele caminho. Quando viu o homem, seguiu adiante, pelo outro lado. 32 O mesmo aconteceu com um levita: chegou ao lugar, viu o homem e seguiu adiante, pelo outro lado. 33 Mas um samaritano, que estava viajando, chegou perto dele, viu e sentiu compaixão. 34 Aproximou-se
dele e fez curativos, derramando óleo e vinho nas feridas. Depois
colocou o homem em seu próprio animal e levou-o a uma pensão, onde
cuidou dele. 35 No dia seguinte, pegou duas moedas de prata e
entregou-as ao dono da pensão, recomendando: ‘Toma conta dele! Quando eu
voltar, vou pagar o que tiveres gasto a mais’”. E Jesus perguntou: 36 “Na tua opinião, qual dos três foi o próximo do homem que caiu nas mãos dos assaltantes?” 37 Ele
respondeu: “Aquele que usou de misericórdia para com ele”. Então Jesus
lhe disse: “Vai e faze a mesma coisa”. – Palavra da salvação.
Gospel - Matthew 21,33-43
Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew – at that time, Jesus said to the high priests and the elders of the people: 33 "listen to this another parable: right owner planted a vineyard, put a fence around it, made her a mill to crush the grapes and built a tower of g bodyguards. Then leased it to Vintners and traveled abroad. 34 When harvest time came, the owner sent his employees to vintners to receive its fruits. 35 The vintners, however, grabbed the employees, beat one, killed another, and stoned another third. 36 the owner sent again other employees, more in number than the first. But they treated the same way. 37 Finally, the owner sent them your son, thinking: ' they will respect my son. ' 38 The vintners, however, when they saw the son, they said among themselves, ' this is the heir. Come, Let's kill him and take possession of your inheritance! ' 39 Then grabbed the child, played out of the vineyard and killed him. 40 As well, when the owner of the vineyard comes back, what will you do with these Vintners? " 41 The high priests and the elders of the people answered: "certainly will have you killed so violent those wicked and lease the vineyard to other vintners, which will serve the fruit at the right time". 42 then Jesus said to them: "You never read in the Scriptures: ' the stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; This was done by the Lord and is wonderful in our eyes '? 43 therefore I say unto you, the Kingdom of God will be taken away and will be delivered to a people who will produce fruits ". -The word of salvation.
Refletindo o Evangelho
Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew – at that time, Jesus said to the high priests and the elders of the people: 33 "listen to this another parable: right owner planted a vineyard, put a fence around it, made her a mill to crush the grapes and built a tower of g bodyguards. Then leased it to Vintners and traveled abroad. 34 When harvest time came, the owner sent his employees to vintners to receive its fruits. 35 The vintners, however, grabbed the employees, beat one, killed another, and stoned another third. 36 the owner sent again other employees, more in number than the first. But they treated the same way. 37 Finally, the owner sent them your son, thinking: ' they will respect my son. ' 38 The vintners, however, when they saw the son, they said among themselves, ' this is the heir. Come, Let's kill him and take possession of your inheritance! ' 39 Then grabbed the child, played out of the vineyard and killed him. 40 As well, when the owner of the vineyard comes back, what will you do with these Vintners? " 41 The high priests and the elders of the people answered: "certainly will have you killed so violent those wicked and lease the vineyard to other vintners, which will serve the fruit at the right time". 42 then Jesus said to them: "You never read in the Scriptures: ' the stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; This was done by the Lord and is wonderful in our eyes '? 43 therefore I say unto you, the Kingdom of God will be taken away and will be delivered to a people who will produce fruits ". -The word of salvation.
Refletindo o Evangelho
Um especialista em Lei quer pôr Jesus à prova com sua pergunta. Pôr à
prova aqui pode significar duas coisas: primeira, apanhar Jesus na
resposta; segunda, ganhá-lo para a classe rica. A pergunta é sobre a
vida eterna. Os que não querem se comprometer com o irmão necessitado
falam habitualmente da vida eterna. Jesus o puxa para a realidade desta
vida. E, ao contar a parábola do bom samaritano, força o especialista em
Lei a dar a resposta justa: o próximo do homem machucado é quem o
acode, usando de misericórdia. Não faz nenhuma pergunta; entra logo em
ação. Não se deixa paralisar por nenhum tipo de preconceito ou
obstáculo: nacionalidade, religião, ocupações urgentes. Jesus não teve
muito trabalho com o doutor da Lei e foi direto ao ponto: “Vá, e faça
você também a mesma coisa”.
Adaptado por Flávio de sites da internet
Reflecting the Gospel
A specialist in Law wants to put Jesus to the test with your question. Test here can mean two things: first, to catch Jesus in response; Second, win it for the rich class. The question is about eternal life. Those who don't want to commit to the brother in need usually speak of eternal life. Jesus pulls to the reality of this life. And, to tell the parable of the good Samaritan, the specialist in law to give fair response: near the injured man is who the acode, using of mercy. Makes no question; get into action. Not paralyze any kind of prejudice or obstacle: nationality, religion, urgent occupations. Jesus didn't have a lot of work with the doctor of Law and went straight to the point: "Go and make you the same thing".
A specialist in Law wants to put Jesus to the test with your question. Test here can mean two things: first, to catch Jesus in response; Second, win it for the rich class. The question is about eternal life. Those who don't want to commit to the brother in need usually speak of eternal life. Jesus pulls to the reality of this life. And, to tell the parable of the good Samaritan, the specialist in law to give fair response: near the injured man is who the acode, using of mercy. Makes no question; get into action. Not paralyze any kind of prejudice or obstacle: nationality, religion, urgent occupations. Jesus didn't have a lot of work with the doctor of Law and went straight to the point: "Go and make you the same thing".
Adapted by Flávio from internet site
Do fundo do abismo, do ventre do peixe, † Jonas rezou ao Senhor, o seu Deus, / a seguinte oração. Na minha angústia clamei por socorro, † pedi vossa ajuda do mundo dos mortos / e vós me atendestes. Senhor, me lançastes no seio dos mares, † cercou-me a torrente, vossas ondas passaram / com furor sobre mim. Então, eu pensei: eu fui afastado † para longe de vós; nunca mais hei de ver / vosso templo sagrado. E quando minhas forças em mim acabavam, † do Senhor me lembrei, chegando até vós / a minha oração. Jn 2.
Do fundo do abismo, do ventre do peixe, † Jonas rezou ao Senhor, o seu Deus, / a seguinte oração. Na minha angústia clamei por socorro, † pedi vossa ajuda do mundo dos mortos / e vós me atendestes. Senhor, me lançastes no seio dos mares, † cercou-me a torrente, vossas ondas passaram / com furor sobre mim. Então, eu pensei: eu fui afastado † para longe de vós; nunca mais hei de ver / vosso templo sagrado. E quando minhas forças em mim acabavam, † do Senhor me lembrei, chegando até vós / a minha oração. Jn 2.
From the bottom of the abyss, the belly of the fish, † Jonas prayed to the Lord, your God, the/the following prayer. In my anguish I cried out for help, † asked help from the dead/and you answered me. Sir, over me within the seas, † surrounded me torrent, your waves passed/with furor over me. Then, I thought: I've been away † away from you; never shall I see/your holy Temple. And when my strength in me ended, † the Lord remembered, coming to you/my prayer. Jn 2.
Traçando o sinal da cruz em você diga: Abençoai-me Senhor Deus que é † Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo, para que eu viva sempre no Teu amor e fazendo só o bem a todos. Amém!
Traçando o sinal da cruz em você diga: Abençoai-me Senhor Deus que é † Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo, para que eu viva sempre no Teu amor e fazendo só o bem a todos. Amém!
o sinal da cruz em seu/ua filho/a: Abençoe a você (nome do filho/a),
nosso Deus que é † Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo, para que você filho/a
viva sempre no amor de Deus e fazendo só o bem a todos. Amém!
By tracing the sign of the cross in you say: Bless me Lord God that is † father, son, and holy spirit, to live always in your love and doing good to all. Amen!
By tracing the sign of the cross on your son/aughter/au: Bless you (name of child), our God who is † father, son, and holy spirit, for you child alive always in love of God and doing good to all. Amen!
By tracing the sign of the cross in you say: Bless me Lord God that is † father, son, and holy spirit, to live always in your love and doing good to all. Amen!
By tracing the sign of the cross on your son/aughter/au: Bless you (name of child), our God who is † father, son, and holy spirit, for you child alive always in love of God and doing good to all. Amen!
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