Texto Bíblico
Biblical Text
On the first day of the week, 2 Mary Magdalene ran and went to meet Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said to them: "they took the Lord from the Tomb, and we don't know where they put him." 3 Left, so Peter and the other disciple, and they went to the Tomb. 4 both ran together, but the other disciple ran faster than Peter and reached the Tomb first. 5 looking in, saw the linen on the floor, but not entered. 6 Simon Peter also Arrived, who had been chasing, and entered the Tomb. He saw the strips of linen lying on floor 7 and the cloth that had been on Jesus ' head, not post with the tracks, but wrapped in a place apart. 8 then entered the other disciple, who had reached the Tomb first. He saw and believed.
Jesus, bring inner balance to my life so requires. I welcome you, new life in the Lord Jesus!
No primeiro dia da semana, 2 Maria Madalena saiu
correndo e foi encontrar Simão Pedro e o outro discípulo, aquele que
Jesus amava, e lhes disse: “Tiraram o Senhor do túmulo, e não sabemos
onde o colocaram”. 3 Saíram, então, Pedro e o outro discípulo e foram ao túmulo. 4 Os dois corriam juntos, mas o outro discípulo correu mais depressa que Pedro e chegou primeiro ao túmulo. 5 Olhando para dentro, viu as faixas de linho no chão, mas não entrou. 6 Chegou também Simão Pedro, que vinha correndo atrás, e entrou no túmulo. Viu as faixas de linho deitadas no chão 7 e o pano que tinha estado sobre a cabeça de Jesus, não posto com as faixas, mas enrolado num lugar à parte. 8 Então entrou também o outro discípulo, que tinha chegado primeiro ao túmulo. Ele viu e acreditou.
Biblical Text
On the first day of the week, 2 Mary Magdalene ran and went to meet Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said to them: "they took the Lord from the Tomb, and we don't know where they put him." 3 Left, so Peter and the other disciple, and they went to the Tomb. 4 both ran together, but the other disciple ran faster than Peter and reached the Tomb first. 5 looking in, saw the linen on the floor, but not entered. 6 Simon Peter also Arrived, who had been chasing, and entered the Tomb. He saw the strips of linen lying on floor 7 and the cloth that had been on Jesus ' head, not post with the tracks, but wrapped in a place apart. 8 then entered the other disciple, who had reached the Tomb first. He saw and believed.
Quem nos deu o dom da vida, esse presente, foi Jesus, Nosso Senhor e
Salvador, foi o Seu nascimento que nos trouxe a vida nova, à qual somos
chamados a viver. Por isso, nesse contexto das Oitavas de Natal de Nosso
Senhor Jesus Cristo, queremos fazer uma reverência à vida, queremos
realmente assumir a vida nova que Ele nos trouxe e que está pulsando no
coração de uma mãe que está grávida. A vida que está pulsando em
crianças que estão hospitalizadas e doentes. A vida que está pulsando em
uma pessoa, mesmo sendo adulta ou já idosa, mas é uma vida e nós a
amamos desde o momento de sua concepção até o último entardecer dela. A vida de uma criança não é mais valiosa do que a de um idoso. Todos
precisamos celebrar a vida, cuidar dela, porque é muito preciosa!
É preciso dizer também que não basta viver, é dar-lhe sentido,
celebrando-a como dom sagrado. E para que a vida seja celebrada, é
preciso introduzir nela o sagrado, que é Deus, é Jesus, a vida nova que
Ele trouxe a cada um de nós. Permita-me dizer ao seu coração: dê qualidade a sua vida. Fala-se
tanto em qualidade de vida, de levar a vida com qualidade, e sempre se
lembra dos elementos para ter uma boa saúde, boa alimentação e
exercícios físicos. Tudo isso é muito importante, não abra mão disso, dê
qualidade à sua vida, mas não traga somente qualidade humana para sua
vida, qualifique-a no sentido mais sagrado que ela tem. Dê um sabor
divino a ela, dê-Lhe o sabor de Deus, o gosto d’Ele que sua vida merece.
Que assim seja a vida na sua casa, com seus filhos, com aqueles que você ama, onde quer que você
esteja. Onde está o tempero da nossa vida? Manifeste que a sua vida tem
gosto, que o tempero d’Ela é Jesus, pois Ele veio para ser sal,
fermento, para ser luz! Jesus veio para trazer o equilíbrio interior que
nossa vida tanto necessita. Acolher Jesus é acolher a vida nova no Senhor!
Adaptado - Pe Roger Araujo - CN
Who gave us the gift of life, this gift was Jesus our Lord and Savior, was his birth that brought us the new life to which we are called to live. So, in this context of the octaves of Christmas, Our Lord Jesus Christ, we want to make a reverence for life, we really want to assume the new life that he brought us and that is pulsating in the heart of a mother who's pregnant. The life is pulsing in children who are hospitalized. The life is pulsing in a person, even though I'm an adult or elderly already, but it's a life we love from the moment of conception to the last evening of her. The life of a child is not more valuable than that of an old man. We all need to celebrate life, take care of her, because it is very precious! It must be said also that it is not enough to live, is to give it meaning, celebrating it as a sacred gift. And so life is celebrated, it is necessary to introduce the sacred, which is God, is Jesus, the new life that he brought to each of us. Let me tell your heart: give your life quality. Speaks both in quality of life, life with quality, and always remember the elements to have good health, good nutrition and exercise. All this is very important, do not open this hand, give quality to your life, but don't take only human quality to your life, qualify it more Holy. Give a divine flavor to it, give him the God flavor, the taste of him that your life deserves. That way the life in their home, with their children, with those you love, wherever you are. Where are the spice of our life? Manifest your life's like that from her seasoning is Jesus because he came to be salt, yeast, to be light! Jesus came to bring inner balance to our lives so much need. Welcome Jesus is the new life in the Lord!
Adapted - Pe Roger Araujo -CN
Jesus, traga o equilíbrio interior que minha vida tanto necessita. Acolho a Ti, vida nova no Senhor Jesus!
Adaptado - Pe Roger Araujo - CN
Who gave us the gift of life, this gift was Jesus our Lord and Savior, was his birth that brought us the new life to which we are called to live. So, in this context of the octaves of Christmas, Our Lord Jesus Christ, we want to make a reverence for life, we really want to assume the new life that he brought us and that is pulsating in the heart of a mother who's pregnant. The life is pulsing in children who are hospitalized. The life is pulsing in a person, even though I'm an adult or elderly already, but it's a life we love from the moment of conception to the last evening of her. The life of a child is not more valuable than that of an old man. We all need to celebrate life, take care of her, because it is very precious! It must be said also that it is not enough to live, is to give it meaning, celebrating it as a sacred gift. And so life is celebrated, it is necessary to introduce the sacred, which is God, is Jesus, the new life that he brought to each of us. Let me tell your heart: give your life quality. Speaks both in quality of life, life with quality, and always remember the elements to have good health, good nutrition and exercise. All this is very important, do not open this hand, give quality to your life, but don't take only human quality to your life, qualify it more Holy. Give a divine flavor to it, give him the God flavor, the taste of him that your life deserves. That way the life in their home, with their children, with those you love, wherever you are. Where are the spice of our life? Manifest your life's like that from her seasoning is Jesus because he came to be salt, yeast, to be light! Jesus came to bring inner balance to our lives so much need. Welcome Jesus is the new life in the Lord!
Adapted - Pe Roger Araujo -CN
Jesus, traga o equilíbrio interior que minha vida tanto necessita. Acolho a Ti, vida nova no Senhor Jesus!
Jesus, bring inner balance to my life so requires. I welcome you, new life in the Lord Jesus!
Traçando o sinal da cruz em você diga: Abençoai-me
Senhor Deus que é † Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo, para que eu viva
sempre no Teu amor e fazendo só o bem a todos. Amém!
Traçando o sinal da cruz em seu/ua filho/a: Abençoe a você (nome do filho/a), nosso Deus que é † Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo, para que você filho/a viva sempre no amor de Deus e fazendo só o bem a todos. Amém!
By tracing the sign of the cross in you say: Bless me Lord God that is † father, son, and holy spirit, to live always in your love and doing good to all. Amen!
By tracing the sign of the cross on your son/daughter/au: Bless you (name of child), our God who is † father, son, and holy spirit, for you child alive always in love of God and doing good to all. Amen!
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