And sought to see Jesus.
1a. Leitura - Ageu 1,1-8
Início da profecia de Ageu – 1 No segundo ano do reinado de Dario, no sexto mês, no primeiro dia, foi dirigida a palavra do Senhor, mediante o profeta Ageu, a Zorobabel, filho de Salatiel, governador de Judá, e a Josué, filho de Josedec, sumo sacerdote: 2 “Isto diz o Senhor dos exércitos: Este povo diz: ‘Ainda não chegou o momento de edificar a casa do Senhor’”. 3 A palavra do Senhor foi assim dirigida, por intermédio do profeta Ageu: 4 “Acaso para vós é tempo de morardes em casas revestidas de lambris, enquanto esta casa está em ruínas? 5 Isto diz agora o Senhor dos exércitos: Considerai, com todo o coração, a conjuntura que estais passando: 6 tendes semeado muito e colhido pouco; tendes-vos alimentado e não vos sentis satisfeitos, bebeis e não vos embriagais; estais vestidos e não vos aqueceis; quem trabalha por salário guarda-o em saco roto. 7 Isto diz o Senhor dos exércitos: Considerai, com todo o coração, a difícil conjuntura que estais passando: 8 mas subi ao monte, trazei madeira e edificai a casa; ela me será aceitável, nela me glorificarei, diz o Senhor”. – Palavra do Senhor.
1st Reading - Haggai 1,1-8
Beginning of the prophecy of Haggai - 1 in the second year of the reign of Darius, in the sixth month, in the first day, was the word of the Lord, through the Prophet Haggai to Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, Governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Josedech, the high priest: 2 "This saith the Lord of hosts : This people say: ' not yet the time has come to build the House of the Lord ' ". 3 the word of the Lord was so directed, through the Prophet Haggai: 4 "for you is morardes time in homes covered with wainscoting, while this House lies in ruins? 5 This now says the Lord of hosts: Consider, with all my heart, the situation that you are passing: 6 you have sown much and harvested little; have you fed and I felt satisfied, drink and embriagais; art dresses and aqueceis; who works for wages keeps it on deaf ears. 7 This saith the Lord of hosts: Consider, with all my heart, the difficult economic situation that you are passing: 8 but I went up to the mount, bring one home and wood; She is acceptable, it will glorify me, saith the Lord ". -The word of the Lord.
Beginning of the prophecy of Haggai - 1 in the second year of the reign of Darius, in the sixth month, in the first day, was the word of the Lord, through the Prophet Haggai to Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, Governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Josedech, the high priest: 2 "This saith the Lord of hosts : This people say: ' not yet the time has come to build the House of the Lord ' ". 3 the word of the Lord was so directed, through the Prophet Haggai: 4 "for you is morardes time in homes covered with wainscoting, while this House lies in ruins? 5 This now says the Lord of hosts: Consider, with all my heart, the situation that you are passing: 6 you have sown much and harvested little; have you fed and I felt satisfied, drink and embriagais; art dresses and aqueceis; who works for wages keeps it on deaf ears. 7 This saith the Lord of hosts: Consider, with all my heart, the difficult economic situation that you are passing: 8 but I went up to the mount, bring one home and wood; She is acceptable, it will glorify me, saith the Lord ". -The word of the Lord.
Evangelho - Lucas 9,7-9
Proclamação do evangelho de Jesus Cristo segundo Lucas – Naquele tempo, 7 o tetrarca Herodes ouviu falar de tudo o que estava acontecendo e ficou perplexo, porque alguns diziam que João Batista tinha ressuscitado dos mortos. 8 Outros diziam que Elias tinha aparecido; outros, ainda, que um dos antigos profetas tinha ressuscitado. 9 Então Herodes disse: “Eu mandei degolar João. Quem é esse homem sobre quem ouço falar essas coisas?” E procurava ver Jesus. – Palavra da salvação.
Gospel - Luke 8,4-15
Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Luke - 7 at that time Herod the Tetrarch heard of all that was going on and was perplexed, because some said that John the Baptist was risen from the dead. 8 others said that Elijah had appeared; others, still, that one of the old prophets had risen. 9 Then Herod said: "I sent John slaughter. Who is this man about whom I hear such things? " And sought to see Jesus. -The word of salvation.
Refletindo o Evangelho
Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Luke - 7 at that time Herod the Tetrarch heard of all that was going on and was perplexed, because some said that John the Baptist was risen from the dead. 8 others said that Elijah had appeared; others, still, that one of the old prophets had risen. 9 Then Herod said: "I sent John slaughter. Who is this man about whom I hear such things? " And sought to see Jesus. -The word of salvation.
Refletindo o Evangelho
Jesus vem para realizar e propor nova mentalidade e, por isso, novo estilo de vida. Por suas atitudes coerentes e por seu poder de expulsar as forças do mal e curar doenças, em pouco tempo Jesus havia cativado e arrastado atrás de si numerosas multidões. Construir a casa do Senhor é dedicar-se a tornar o reino de Deus sempre mais presente na sociedade, mesmo em meio às dificuldades, incompreensões e perseguições.Embora ele insistisse para não publicarem seus feitos, sua fama logo se espalhou por toda parte e chegou aos ouvidos de Herodes, homem forte do governo. Fosse o profeta Elias que voltava, ou João Batista, ressuscitado dos mortos, ambas as lembranças eram um tormento para a cabeça do cruel Herodes. Fica confuso. “Queria ver Jesus”, talvez para livrar-se do pesadelo de sua vida desregrada. Na paixão de Jesus, Herodes fará de tudo para arrancar-lhe uma palavra. Em vão. Tratava-se de mera curiosidade, não desejo de se tornar discípulo.
Adaptado por Flávio de sites da internet
Reflecting the Gospel
Jesus comes to carry out and propose new mentality and, therefore, new lifestyle. For its consistent attitudes and your power to expel the forces of evil and cure diseases, in a short time Jesus had captivated and dragged behind themselves numerous crowds. Build the House of the Lord is to become the Kingdom of God ever more present in society, even in the midst of the difficulties, incomprehension and persecution. Although he insisted not to publish your achievements, your fame soon spread everywhere and reached the ears of Herod, the strongman of the Government. Was the Prophet Elijah back, or John the Baptist, risen from the dead, both the memories were a torment for the head of the cruel Herod. Gets confused. "I wanted to see Jesus", maybe to get rid of the nightmare of your misspent life. In the passion of Jesus, Herod will do anything to tear a Word. In vain. It was mere curiosity, I do not wish to become a disciple.
Jesus comes to carry out and propose new mentality and, therefore, new lifestyle. For its consistent attitudes and your power to expel the forces of evil and cure diseases, in a short time Jesus had captivated and dragged behind themselves numerous crowds. Build the House of the Lord is to become the Kingdom of God ever more present in society, even in the midst of the difficulties, incomprehension and persecution. Although he insisted not to publish your achievements, your fame soon spread everywhere and reached the ears of Herod, the strongman of the Government. Was the Prophet Elijah back, or John the Baptist, risen from the dead, both the memories were a torment for the head of the cruel Herod. Gets confused. "I wanted to see Jesus", maybe to get rid of the nightmare of your misspent life. In the passion of Jesus, Herod will do anything to tear a Word. In vain. It was mere curiosity, I do not wish to become a disciple.
Adapted by Flávio from internet site
Cantai ao Senhor Deus um canto novo, / e o seu louvor na assembleia dos fiéis! / Alegre-se Israel em quem o fez, / e Sião se rejubile no seu rei! Com danças glorifiquem o seu nome, / toquem harpa e tambor em sua honra! / Porque, de fato, o Senhor ama seu povo / e coroa com vitória os seus humildes. Exultem os fiéis por sua glória / e, cantando, se levantem de seus leitos / com louvores do Senhor em sua boca; / eis a glória para todos os seus santos. Salmo 149.
Cantai ao Senhor Deus um canto novo, / e o seu louvor na assembleia dos fiéis! / Alegre-se Israel em quem o fez, / e Sião se rejubile no seu rei! Com danças glorifiquem o seu nome, / toquem harpa e tambor em sua honra! / Porque, de fato, o Senhor ama seu povo / e coroa com vitória os seus humildes. Exultem os fiéis por sua glória / e, cantando, se levantem de seus leitos / com louvores do Senhor em sua boca; / eis a glória para todos os seus santos. Salmo 149.
When the Lord called our captives,/we were dreaming; /smile filled our mouths,/our lips, of songs. Among the Gentiles, it was said: "Wonders/did to them the Lord!"/Yes, wonders did to us the Lord,/exultemos of joy! Change our fortunes, o Lord,/as torrents in the desert. /Those who throw the seeds between tears/ceifarão with joy. Tears of sadness, will come out, spreading seeds/; /singing with joy, they will return, carrying their sheaves/! Psalm 125/126.
Traçando o sinal da cruz em você diga: Abençoai-me Senhor Deus que é † Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo, para que eu viva sempre no Teu amor e fazendo só o bem a todos. Amém!
Traçando o sinal da cruz em você diga: Abençoai-me Senhor Deus que é † Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo, para que eu viva sempre no Teu amor e fazendo só o bem a todos. Amém!
Traçando o sinal da cruz em seu/ua filho/a: Abençoe a você (nome do filho/a), nosso Deus que é † Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo, para que você filho/a viva sempre no amor de Deus e fazendo só o bem a todos. Amém!
By tracing the sign of the cross in you say: Bless me Lord God that is † father, son, and holy spirit, to live always in your love and doing good to all. Amen!
By tracing the sign of the cross on your son/aughter/au: Bless you (name of child), our God who is † father, son, and holy spirit, for you child alive always in love of God and doing good to all. Amen!
By tracing the sign of the cross in you say: Bless me Lord God that is † father, son, and holy spirit, to live always in your love and doing good to all. Amen!
By tracing the sign of the cross on your son/aughter/au: Bless you (name of child), our God who is † father, son, and holy spirit, for you child alive always in love of God and doing good to all. Amen!